I attended Women of Faith last weekend. As we were walking to and from our car, I noticed many bumper stickers and "fish" on the back of the attendees cars. It got me thinking......to be a Christian, do you really need to drive around professing it on your car? To me, being a Christian means living the way God wants us to live, conducting ourselves as Christians, living the Word, having others see us living our faith. Does a bumper sticker saying "Got Jesus?", "Are you following Jesus this close?", "What Would Jesus Do?", make you any more a Christian than a person who doesn't have bumper stickers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that bumpers stickers are right or wrong, to each his own. The way I look at it is, a lot of people have been turned away from church and religion because so many people profess to be Christians, but as they are driving down the street in the mini van with this huge bumper sticker on the back of their car that says "Honk if you love God!" while yelling obscenities and flipping off a person that just cut them off in traffic. Do you see where I'm coming from? If you are going to drive around with fish on the back of your car, you better represent yourself as a Christian. A lot of people are looking at you and expecting you to be the person you say you are on the back of your car.
Me, I don't need bumper stickers, hats, or t-shirts, I pray that when people talk to me, they will be able to see that I'm a Christian by the way I live my life. We all stumble and sometimes fall in our walk with God but the most important thing is to ask for forgiveness and move on. God knows we are not perfect, nor does he expect us to be, but he does want us to live our lives FOR Him. Not when its convenient for us. And if you are wondering, how can I be more Christian and live a more Christian life, I have one thing to say to you. There is this amazing book that was written many many years ago, it has every answer you are looking for. You don't need to buy a t-shirt or a bumper sticker, just read the book, study the 10 most important things in the book"The Commandments" and you're off to a great start!!